FROM GINZZYS: The Melissa Ross show starring Ms. D & Kelly Androos

GINZZYS seems to be the No. 1 showplace in the city for female impersonators or should I call them Illusionists? It has been a Year and a half since I have seen Ms. Ross perform and after seeing her this night, it was obvious, she's done more than just her homework.

She has discarded all that heavy glitz of a 'DRAG'. She comes across as natural and believable as a 'REAL' woman.

It was plain to see that Ms. D and Kelly Androos have a lot of fun strutting their stuff.

No. 1 "HERE I AM" Ms. Ross opens the show with a less spontaneous number than I expected, though it was excellent. She wore

a red strapless gown with an overlay of red and gold overlay. Nude shoes complimented the outfit. Bravo for class.

No. 2 Ms. D wore a red crepe with a sequin jacket that was appliqued with white voile and pearls. The number she sang escapes me because I was dazzled by the brillance of this costume. No. 3 "SO MANY MEN SO LITTLE TIME" Kelly Androos, a little nervous when she started but she gets into it. She is a very good mime. The creation she wore has purposely escaped me. HOW ever,her red hair and make-up were perfect. But then everyone knows I cater to redheads. No. 4. "It ain't easy being green" Ms. Ross and Kermit. I've enjoyed watching her do this number for nearly six years. She wore a beautiful, plain green chifon gown. By the way Kermit made more tips than did Ms. Ross.

No. 5 "Ilove ya, Porgy Ms. Ross, all I can say is, FANTASTIC.

No. 6 "I MIGHT BE DREAMIN" Ms. D, you certainly have come a long way. One hell of a mime shel did. She wore a blue glitter gown with white ostrich. Betty Grable, circa 1950.

No 7. "I'LL NEVER LOVE AGAIN" Kelly Androos really gets into it and so does the audience. Like most entertainers, she needs work on choreography after al this is one half of any number. No 8. "YOU ARE MY FRIEND" Ms. Ross, again proves her title as, "ENTERTAINER OF THE YEAR." No 9. "TELEPHONE" Ms. D worked her behind off in this number. In this particular number she sells sex and the audience gets off on it but then so did I. No 10. Ms. Androos returns in a lavender gown, rhinestoned and feathered to death. time she was hot.

By this

No. 11 "WOMAN IN LOVE" Ms Ross looked so great and for a moment I thought she was real. No. 12 "I'M SO EXCITED" Ms. D did one hell of a job, but my dear, that costume needs a 10,00 0 mile check up. Either that or send it to the Smithsonian institute. No 13. "LEAN ON ME" Ms. Androos did the best number of the evening. This is the type of number that suits you best.

NO 14. "THIS IS MY LIFE" and so it is for Ms. Ross. Not even TIFFANY JONES could duplicate or imitate the sincerity that Ms. Ross gave to this number, It was the last number of the show and she brought down the house.


It happened to Ron last friday evening, Dec. 2, 1983 at aproximately 11:30 p.m. as he traveled from berlin to keys.

In front of Erie Street cemetary two guys, one armed with a knife, assualted and robbed Ron of his credit cards plus fifty dollars. He is banged up pretty bad.

The question is: "Would this have anything to do with no outside security and protection for our people from elements which would hurt, rob or even kill us?